
At home, I use Linux 95% of the time. It worked well for me during the Data Science bootcamp, and it continues to work well for me my day-to-day life. Of course, Ubuntu requires a LOT (and I really do mean a lot!) of massaging to get it to function... Read more

Climbing has been a big part of my life ever since Mark Fang first brought me to Mesa Rim in May 2015. Just over a year later, I completed my first boulder problem graded V6-V7. From then on, I began documenting my climbing accomplishments with the end-goal of being able... Read more

It has only been a short while since I completed the Metis Data Science Bootcamp and successfully pivoted my career, and one thing I felt would have significantly improved my bootcamp experience was if there was a guide available to show me how to set up my computer before the... Read more

In San Francisco and other major cities in the United States, the cost of rent and the number of renters are both continually increasing at a steady pace. With the worsening of the housing crisis, San Francisco offers a mechanism through the SF Rent Board in order to mediate disputes... Read more