
I am pleased with this new version. I had put off the upgrade, because given how much time I invested into getting 18.04 to work like I wanted it to, I feared upgrading would break everything: my conda environments, hibernation script, gnome tweaks, login lock-screen, Nvidia-smi, tensorflow, etc. You name... Read more

Data scientists are not software engineers. Yet, in the normal course of data science work, a data scientist must be able to write and use software. Do you know of any great physicists who are bad at math? I don’t. It is universally accepted that great physicists must also be... Read more

Ever since I started uploading code to github, I had the intention of allowing anyone copy and use it. After all, it’s the Internet, and I would be dumb to think no one would ever copy and paste my code. If I wanted to prevent people from using it, I... Read more

Customers are the biggest asset of any business. For example, if you are an e-commerce company trying to maximize customer incentivization, understanding your customer-base is essential to helping you make better customer recommendations. If you are a next-generation sequencing company trying to minimize specimen collection, understanding your customer-base is essential... Read more

Linux is the one operating system on which there is a seemingly never-ending supply of issues. One of the issues that falls squarely in the “Important but Not Urgent” category of the Eisenhower matrix is that whenever the blank screen kicks in, the CPU goes crazy until the computer suspends.... Read more